
Tawny Owls & Snowy Owls

Jubilee’s pre-school, ‘Treetops’, is a unique and very special experience. Our staff are highly skilled, extremely well qualified and provide a safe, kind and caring pre-school in Reading for our older children to blossom and enjoy adventures galore with their friends! Importantly we help lay the foundations for one of the next major stages in their development as children prepare for school.


Play, Discovery & Independence

Treetops is the very best mix of play, discovery and growing independence. In line with the EYFS framework, our pre-school children are encouraged to explore their own interests and lines of inquiry while developing their skills, knowledge and self-confidence.

Our experienced team of practitioners extend children’s imagination and independence in a rich variety of indoor and outdoor spaces and through a magnificent array of activities.


School Readiness

Ofsted recently noted in our inspection that our highly qualified and skilled teacher ‘enthuses and challenges children through a wealth of rich and diverse learning experiences. Children are curious to explore, enthusiastic to learn and excited to share their ideas and discoveries’.

With a small group learning programme and gradually increasing expectations, your child will spend a year gently transitioning to school readiness, while enjoying all the play, fun and child-centred benefits that you have come to expect from the Jubilee experience.

As well as being fully-equipped with all the skills they need to start school, we pride ourselves on the emotional preparation children receive in pre-school. Parents and teachers alike tell us that children move on from Jubilee and really do ‘fly’ as confident and independent young learners upon starting primary school.



Funding is available for three and four-year olds at Jubilee and we would be delighted to discuss this with you in more detail. Please contact Lesley, our Senior Nursery Manager, for more information or have a chat with us when you visit.


Request a Prospectus

Complete the form below to register your interest in Jubilee Day Nursery and we will send you a prospectus to help you with your decision.



Virtual Nursery Tour

Take a look around our Nursery by watching our Nursery tour video. Please get in touch if you would like to book a visit to our nursery.



Contact Us

Please use this form to contact Jubilee Day Nursery with any general enquiries.


Contact Jubilee

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Registration Form

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Book a Virtual Tour

Please contact the nursery on 0118 970 1600 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book a slot.

Request a Prospectus

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Registration Request

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